Saturday, March 13, 2021

Well, yesterday sucked.

Here I had gone and found some motivation to do something meaningful with my life and then in comes an experience at work that made me want to strangle someone. So in case it wasn't obvious I'm working in customer service for a very large corporation, and we had a caller that called in about an expensive dunebuggy, just one of the most douchebaggiest (not even a word but whatever) gifts you could buy for someone and I guess it was a birthday gift. Well, this woman went off the rails and started abusing me and the other agents, it was pretty bad. I mean I can understand people being upset when they don't get a service but that's really no excuse to make someone else's life difficult, and we didn't even have any indication that her package was even lost, turns out the carrier had nowhere to leave the item in the end. Talk about jumping to conclusions.

I can't recommend customer service to anyone if they can't handle abuse. Especially if the company you work for has some crappy policies in place that ruin the shopping experience for their customers. There's issues here every day that don't even get addressed, and nobody from Tier 1 can do anything about it. Most of the team tries to be supportive but it doesn't make it any less sucky.

Anyway, no word from my friend yet, he's supposed to let me know when the place is move in ready. My only experience prior had been living in the dorms. Heck, I got an actual scholarship, maybe I could do it again. I still like the idea of trying to do ecological work, but it presents an interesting conundrum, where would the money come from? How well would it pay? I honestly wish I didn't have to do things for profit and did work that was actually rewarding, not for the monetary value but just for making the world a better place to live in. Granted Humans will probably continue to be assholes to each-other but I wouldn't mind a culture where we treat each-other and nature with at least the bare minimum of respect. Nature moreso just because to me without it we wouldn't be around, we depend on many of the other species we share this planet with for survival, so for Humanity to collectively damage the ecosystem just seems baffling. Sure we have some immediate comforts but at what cost? We can't sustain this way of living and I'd feel awful if something happened to this planet. I don't care if we colonize other planets, this planet's my home and I don't want to leave it for anything.

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