Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I am appalled!

The majority of Californians voted no on Proposition 19! That means people still want drug busts in their state! This also means that people are still brainwashed into believing the War on Drugs is a good thing! This is nonsense! People need to see the results of the War on Drugs themselves to know that it's evil! The War on Drugs hurts people, it makes their lives Hell! Is this what America wants!? Well, I have nothing to say to those people... Except I hope you're happy with your miserable selves! You've just made a HUGE mistake by keeping Marijuana illegal!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Perhaps it's not too late to put this out there.

Anyone who knows me knows I'm a registered Independent, leaning towards the Democratic side. However, I'm finding myself a bit shocked today... There's something the conservatives are saying that I actually find appealing, rather than appalling. I'm sure many of you have heard the news about California's Proposition 19. What this proposes is that marijuana should be legalized in California. Okay, so they say it should be controlled, like alcohol, but forget about that, at least it's a step in the right direction. But why the conservatives, the same people that I'm at odds with for their stance on birth control and sex education? Well, this video sums it up quite nicely.

So, what else is there to say? Vote yes on Prop 19. Also, visit this site as well and be sure to give it a look. And remember, the War on Drugs is unjust, and it hurts more people then it helps. Especially the poor and downtrodden.