Monday, September 13, 2010

Nuclear Deterrence & the negative impact it has on the world.

Recently I watched a video online about the Theory of Nuclear Deterrence. I can't believe anyone would put a theory like this in practice, because it requires that countries harbor nuclear weapons in order to work! For those who don't know what this theory is, this video explains it concisely:

Alright, so now that everyone is on the same page here, I thought to myself "Why couldn't there be a law to outlaw the manufacture and use of nuclear weapons? If national law outlawed nuclear weapons, under threat of severe punishment, then the world's nuclear powers would have no choice but to disarm their nuclear arsenal." Well, it has been attempted. This web page chronicles the events leading to nuclear law as it stands, but even that is not enough to get the world's nuclear powers to disarm themselves. They still cling to their theory of nuclear Deterrence. It's ridiculous. If someone cannot strong arm the world's nuclear powers away from nukes, we're inevitably going to face a nuclear apocalypse, and humanity will not be the only ones affected by it. No, every living creature on the planet will be affected by it. We should have learned from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We didn't, and we need to, or history will repeat itself!

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