Wednesday, November 3, 2010
I am appalled!
The majority of Californians voted no on Proposition 19! That means people still want drug busts in their state! This also means that people are still brainwashed into believing the War on Drugs is a good thing! This is nonsense! People need to see the results of the War on Drugs themselves to know that it's evil! The War on Drugs hurts people, it makes their lives Hell! Is this what America wants!? Well, I have nothing to say to those people... Except I hope you're happy with your miserable selves! You've just made a HUGE mistake by keeping Marijuana illegal!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Perhaps it's not too late to put this out there.
Anyone who knows me knows I'm a registered Independent, leaning towards the Democratic side. However, I'm finding myself a bit shocked today... There's something the conservatives are saying that I actually find appealing, rather than appalling. I'm sure many of you have heard the news about California's Proposition 19. What this proposes is that marijuana should be legalized in California. Okay, so they say it should be controlled, like alcohol, but forget about that, at least it's a step in the right direction. But why the conservatives, the same people that I'm at odds with for their stance on birth control and sex education? Well, this video sums it up quite nicely.
So, what else is there to say? Vote yes on Prop 19. Also, visit this site as well and be sure to give it a look. And remember, the War on Drugs is unjust, and it hurts more people then it helps. Especially the poor and downtrodden.
So, what else is there to say? Vote yes on Prop 19. Also, visit this site as well and be sure to give it a look. And remember, the War on Drugs is unjust, and it hurts more people then it helps. Especially the poor and downtrodden.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The best Chuck Norris joke I've ever thought up.
When Chuck Norris sneezes, the world floods for 40 days and 40 nights.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Nuclear Deterrence & the negative impact it has on the world.
Recently I watched a video online about the Theory of Nuclear Deterrence. I can't believe anyone would put a theory like this in practice, because it requires that countries harbor nuclear weapons in order to work! For those who don't know what this theory is, this video explains it concisely:
Alright, so now that everyone is on the same page here, I thought to myself "Why couldn't there be a law to outlaw the manufacture and use of nuclear weapons? If national law outlawed nuclear weapons, under threat of severe punishment, then the world's nuclear powers would have no choice but to disarm their nuclear arsenal." Well, it has been attempted. This web page chronicles the events leading to nuclear law as it stands, but even that is not enough to get the world's nuclear powers to disarm themselves. They still cling to their theory of nuclear Deterrence. It's ridiculous. If someone cannot strong arm the world's nuclear powers away from nukes, we're inevitably going to face a nuclear apocalypse, and humanity will not be the only ones affected by it. No, every living creature on the planet will be affected by it. We should have learned from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We didn't, and we need to, or history will repeat itself!
Alright, so now that everyone is on the same page here, I thought to myself "Why couldn't there be a law to outlaw the manufacture and use of nuclear weapons? If national law outlawed nuclear weapons, under threat of severe punishment, then the world's nuclear powers would have no choice but to disarm their nuclear arsenal." Well, it has been attempted. This web page chronicles the events leading to nuclear law as it stands, but even that is not enough to get the world's nuclear powers to disarm themselves. They still cling to their theory of nuclear Deterrence. It's ridiculous. If someone cannot strong arm the world's nuclear powers away from nukes, we're inevitably going to face a nuclear apocalypse, and humanity will not be the only ones affected by it. No, every living creature on the planet will be affected by it. We should have learned from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We didn't, and we need to, or history will repeat itself!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Dove World Outreach Center is out of their mind!
In case you haven't heard, they want to commemorate the 9/11 attacks by burning copies of the Qur'an, the holy book of the faith of Islam. I honestly think that if they go and do this, they will spark an international incident, the consequences of which could get us killed! But there are other reasons I'm opposed to this as well...
You see, I am opposed to the destruction of literature, in any way, shape, or form. That's something I expect of people from the Dark Ages. I seriously thought that after the Renaissance, people learned that information is valuable and should be protected, no matter how controversial or unpleasant it may seem. In a historical context, if people were looking back at our culture, what would they see? Well, they wouldn't see what has been destroyed. Preservation of information is important for humanity, as a whole, to reach true enlightenment.
Honestly, I think the U.S. should outlaw book burning. It would be a step in the direction of progress.
You see, I am opposed to the destruction of literature, in any way, shape, or form. That's something I expect of people from the Dark Ages. I seriously thought that after the Renaissance, people learned that information is valuable and should be protected, no matter how controversial or unpleasant it may seem. In a historical context, if people were looking back at our culture, what would they see? Well, they wouldn't see what has been destroyed. Preservation of information is important for humanity, as a whole, to reach true enlightenment.
Honestly, I think the U.S. should outlaw book burning. It would be a step in the direction of progress.
Monday, August 2, 2010
I've had it with Facebook!
Starting today, I'm going to boycott Facebook. Why? Because they don't respect the First Amendment. I found this out when I started joining sites that promoted interests that aren't favored by "the man", whoever they are, be it Facebook admin, special interest groups with a lot of cash, etc. The first time I heard of it was when I joined a group called "Free Ricardo Palmera". They're using Facebook as a way to protest Facebook's ban of the "Free Ricardo Palmera" group and its founders. So far, 2 of the 3 people got their accounts reinstated, but that isn't enough. They also refused to reinstate the group. But that wasn't enough to make me want to leave Facebook. No, it got worse. Recently, I was turned on to this woman named Violet Blue, a female movie director who specializes in prono flicks. She is a very intelligent and respectable woman, and a pro-sex feminist, which I admire. So, when I heard that the group for her site "Our Porn, Ourselves" was deleted, I was INFURIATED! So, I deactivated my account. If they're going to be jerks and start slamming the ban hammer on these sites, then I'll just stop using Facebook, and encourage others to do the same. Also, I should mention, her site wasn't the only one that got this treatment. This is just one of many. For more details, please visit this site here:
This also turned me on to a joke that I would have otherwise missed, having to do with the infamous "toothed vagina". I had no idea such a myth existed.
This also turned me on to a joke that I would have otherwise missed, having to do with the infamous "toothed vagina". I had no idea such a myth existed.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
WTF, Facebook!?
I was reading this message that this group sent me earlier today:
This group was formed as a response to the Facebook Censorship of the "Free Ricardo Palmera" group. What happened was, this group, and the 3 founding members, were removed from Facebook, probably because of pressure from the U.S. State Department, or (do I dare say it) the corporations, and so far it has reached over 700 members. This is quite an accomplishment, as the group was formed not long ago. Well, there is both good news and bad news. The good news is that 2 of the members whose accounts were banned, Josh Sykes and Angela Denio, have been reinstated. However, the group's founder, Tom Burke, is still banned, and Facebook is refusing to let him back into the group. This letter, addressed to Tom Burke, and copied from the message from my group to this blog, explains their reasoning.
Hi Tom,
After reviewing your situation, we have determined that you violated our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. One of Facebook's main priorities is the comfort and safety of our users. We do not tolerate hate speech. Targeting people based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or disease is a serious violation of our standards and has resulted in the permanent loss of your account. We will not be able to reactivate your account for any reason. This decision is final.
User Operations
After reviewing your situation, we have determined that you violated our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. One of Facebook's main priorities is the comfort and safety of our users. We do not tolerate hate speech. Targeting people based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or disease is a serious violation of our standards and has resulted in the permanent loss of your account. We will not be able to reactivate your account for any reason. This decision is final.
User Operations
This is the biggest load of bulls*** I have ever read! Hate speech!? Do they mean the national origin part!? If that's true, than I say they're lying out their a**es! The Free Ricardo Palmera group is not anti-American, nor is it hateful. It is a redress of grievances. Sound familiar? It should, because it is a right guaranteed to us by FIRST AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION! What Facebook is doing is illegal! They are censoring the protest of the unjust incarceration of Ricardo Palmera, who is fighting for peace in his own home country, and I'm pretty sure our government is breaking some sort of international law stating that a country cannot arrest a citizen of another country that is not under their influence. What the U.S. government is doing to Ricardo Palmera is appalling, and frankly it makes me want to leave Facebook. Better yet, why not create a Facebook alternative, where people where guaranteed freedom of speech. A site that is immune to censorship. I have an idea for the domain name. I would call it "". That's right, not .com, but .net, because it does not promote commercial interests like Facebook does, but it is a network. A network of people that are tired of Facebook censorship and want a place to freely express their views and beliefs. And if someone already has designed a site like that, I might as well quit Facebook and migrate to this site, and when I do, I apologize to all my friends on Facebook if I leave them behind. I will try to let you know where you can find me. It's the least I can do for you guys.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
I apologize.
I've been in a bad mood. Don't ask me why. If you know, you know. If not, too bad. Just leave me alone for now, I REALLY don't want to talk to anyone right now unless I think it's really important. You all know who you are.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Sign the petition!
I'm not good at describing things, so here's an article explaining the situation;
Basically this means that video games could be censored more than any other medium. We mustn't stand for this!
On another note, I think it's high time people learned to get over their disconnect with nudity in media, which is less harmful than violence. Some forms of pornography belittle the image of the human body, but I'm of the belief that the naked body is not an object of shame in and of itself. Other countries outside of the U.S. show nudity on television. I saw an Australian show, in fact, that had nudity, and the program was rated 14 and up. Our paranoid restrictions of nudity are in itself also a form of censorship. But I digress. There's an ad up top for the EMA petition, and I encourage you to sign it, for art's sake!
Wrong number?
Just a moment ago I had a woman, presumably in her 60's or older, call me asking for Roger Lieb, whoever he is. I tried explaining to her that there was no one with that name at this number. But before I could finish, she hung up. Seconds later she called back, and she asked again, but this time I told her it was me, using my full name, save for the middle one. She apologized and hung up. I have no idea what just happened, but it got my hopes up today. I was hoping that it was Liz returning one of the several calls I made to her after she went missing. Why did it have to happen now of all times? Is this life's idea of a joke, because this is NOT funny! I'm not mad at the woman, even though she did eat up one of my minutes. I'm mad at... Whatever thought it would be funny do pull this s*** on me! What's weirder is that she gave me the number for my cellphone, which was correct, right down to the last digit. Maybe I should look at the number again, this may be important.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
The Story of Stuff
A while ago I watched this video called "The Story of Stuff" by Annie Leonard. The story of stuff is the story of how consumer economy works, and how it came to be, and what it's doing to our planet. The video is very informative and educational, and I would recommend it to everyone if they care about the future of the Earth. Check it out, here's a link:
I Hate My Life.
There has been some seriously deep s*** going down. Long story short, I'm worried that a friend of mine and someone I have a crush on may be dead. Here's what happened; Liz got evicted from her apartment because she couldn't get enough money to pay her rent, and she had to stay with her parents, but they were making her feel like shit. So, she wanted to get out of the house, and unfortunately I'm all the way out of state, so it was impossible for me to come down and visit because I can't drive the car out of state due to some legal bull s***. So, she ended up visiting with her friend Danny, and they took her brother's car. Well, the car had a front tire blowout and swerved into a divider. Fortunately Liz and Danny were safe, but unfortunately Liz had to deal with her brother's car getting totaled, and Liz was starting to talk about suicide. Here's how the conversation went;
(6:13:55 AM) spitinacopsface: dan.
(6:14:01 AM) Sigma386: Hi.
(6:14:04 AM) Sigma386: Good morning.
(6:14:06 AM) spitinacopsface: I love you.
(6:14:43 AM) spitinacopsface: Soon to be the best morning of my life, or the worst, depeding on how bad of a failure I really am.
(6:15:13 AM) Sigma386: Why is that?
(6:15:33 AM) Sigma386: What's going to happen?
(6:17:21 AM) Sigma386: ... Why do I have a bad feeling about this?
(6:17:49 AM) Sigma386: ... Those aren't your last words, are they?
(6:17:58 AM) Sigma386: ...
(6:18:02 AM) Sigma386: I'm worried...
(6:19:22 AM) spitinacopsface: Well you're right to be.
(6:19:29 AM) spitinacopsface: And I am sorry.
(6:19:57 AM) Sigma386: Couldn't we just run away?
(6:20:11 AM) Sigma386: I said I would go with you.
(6:20:17 AM) Sigma386: And I will.
(6:24:02 AM) spitinacopsface: no time
(6:24:17 AM) spitinacopsface: I just stole my brother's car and crashed it.
(6:24:35 AM) Sigma386: How?
(6:24:39 AM) Sigma386: What happened?
(6:29:25 AM) spitinacopsface: danny
(6:29:35 AM) spitinacopsface: ask him
(6:29:44 AM) spitinacopsface: dan miller on my facebook friends
(6:33:07 AM) Sigma386: I wrote him a message asking what the story behind that accident was.
(6:45:07 AM) Sigma386: By the way, I was a bit shocked when you told me you love me...
(6:45:13 AM) Sigma386: ... But, I love you, too.
(6:46:22 AM) Sigma386: In a romantic way.
(6:46:39 AM) Sigma386: And as a friend.
(6:46:48 AM) Sigma386: Especially as a friend.
(6:47:10 AM) Sigma386: Because you can't have love without friendship.
(6:48:01 AM) Sigma386: And I'm pretty sure that's what you meant when you said you love me, that you love me as a friend.
(6:48:10 AM) Sigma386: As a person.
(6:48:48 AM) Sigma386: If only I could hold you in my arms in your time of need.
(6:49:09 AM) Sigma386: I swear, this is something out of a tragedy...
(6:50:45 AM) spitinacopsface: he's on AIM now
(6:50:51 AM) spitinacopsface: andi told jake to talk to you
(6:53:45 AM) Sigma386: ... Neither one started talking to me so far.
(6:54:17 AM) spitinacopsface: yes a friend. I wish I couldlove you the wayyou loveme, youeserve it but I don'tand ihave reade, but it isn't easyfor me to fall in love. andyou don't o dope.
(6:54:24 AM) spitinacopsface: we couldnever bea couple
(6:54:33 AM) spitinacopsface: but thank you for loving me
(6:57:15 AM) Sigma386: I'm more worried about our taste in sex. You like it aggressive, and I'm not the same way...
(6:57:36 AM) Sigma386: ... So, yeah... I don't even think we're sexually compatible to be a couple...
(6:59:00 AM) Sigma386: ... And, well, like you said, I'm a virgin. I've only read books about sex, and I've never tried anything, so I probably wouldn't be able to please you.
(7:00:11 AM) Sigma386: Although, I know dope is a big turn-on for you.
(7:01:32 AM) Sigma386: You've said so before in your Livejournal. You said that just seeing someone shoot up nearly brings you to orgasm.
(7:02:32 AM) Sigma386: But, I don't think it's impossible for someone who does do dope and someone who doesn't do dope to be a couple...
(7:06:29 AM) spitinacopsface: it doesn't matter.
(7:06:41 AM) spitinacopsface: sorry I could never love you how you love me.
(7:06:45 AM) spitinacopsface: sorry I took your money.
(7:06:50 AM) spitinacopsface: sorry I am leaving you.
(7:07:47 AM) Sigma386: Well, I was hoping it would save you from getting evicted.
(7:08:08 AM) Sigma386: But that didn't even work...
(7:08:16 AM) Sigma386: And now it's come to this...
(7:09:49 AM) Sigma386: It's times like this I wish I could alter the past.
(7:10:14 AM) Sigma386: Then maybe I could have made things better.
(7:11:10 AM) Sigma386: And maybe you wouldn't be miserable.
(7:11:14 AM) Sigma386: Like you are.
(7:12:03 AM) Sigma386: I would have saved that money that I made at Goodwill and I would have been able to get a place of my own 5-6 years ago, and I wouldn't have been dragged out here and forced to see you kill yourself.
(7:12:30 AM) Sigma386: And things would have been better.
(7:12:53 AM) Sigma386: Spending all that money on video games was a big mistake.
(7:13:05 AM) Sigma386: I could have saved your life with all that money...
(7:14:53 AM) Sigma386: I have so many regrets. I made so many foolish mistakes in my life.
(7:17:19 AM) Sigma386: My life will never be the same after this, I'm probably going to hate everyone I know for not helping me.
(7:17:31 AM) Sigma386: I'm going to blame them for your death.
(7:18:07 AM) Sigma386: They could have helped me save you, but their lack of understanding and thoughtfulness was only an obstacle.
(7:18:16 AM) Sigma386: All they're good for is getting in my way!
(7:18:38 AM) spitinacopsface: you are notcapable of alleviating mymiesry
(7:18:59 AM) spitinacopsface: and it is MY fault I got evicted not youra
(7:19:06 AM) spitinacopsface: I am adopefiend
(7:19:50 AM) spitinacopsface: all of thisis myfault
(7:19:54 AM) spitinacopsface: notyoyers
(7:20:00 AM) spitinacopsface: notmy parents
(7:20:05 AM) spitinacopsface: notthe cops
(7:20:06 AM) spitinacopsface: mine
(7:22:53 AM) Sigma386: But, what could you have done to change things, to make them better?
(7:23:38 AM) Sigma386: I don't blame you for anything that has happened.
(7:23:46 AM) Sigma386: Maybe I'm crazy...
(7:24:02 AM) Sigma386: ... But, there's so much wrong with the world.
(7:24:19 AM) Sigma386: And, you're a far better person that most people will ever be.
(7:24:29 AM) Sigma386: I've never seen you sell yourself short.
(7:24:58 AM) Sigma386: You're the most authentic person I know.
(7:25:33 AM) Sigma386: The world would be losing a great person if you died.
(7:26:17 AM) Sigma386: I mean, sure, you're into heroin, but it's the government's fault that it's illegal.
(7:26:24 AM) Sigma386: You didn't want it to be illegal.
(7:26:28 AM) Sigma386: A lot of people don't.
(7:26:48 AM) Sigma386: But a lot more people do, and for bad reasons.
(7:27:19 AM) Sigma386: But they're just being ignorant.
(7:28:48 AM) Sigma386: And I think it's so ingrained in their psyche that they if they heard the truth, they wouldn't accept it.
(6:14:01 AM) Sigma386: Hi.
(6:14:04 AM) Sigma386: Good morning.
(6:14:06 AM) spitinacopsface: I love you.
(6:14:43 AM) spitinacopsface: Soon to be the best morning of my life, or the worst, depeding on how bad of a failure I really am.
(6:15:13 AM) Sigma386: Why is that?
(6:15:33 AM) Sigma386: What's going to happen?
(6:17:21 AM) Sigma386: ... Why do I have a bad feeling about this?
(6:17:49 AM) Sigma386: ... Those aren't your last words, are they?
(6:17:58 AM) Sigma386: ...
(6:18:02 AM) Sigma386: I'm worried...
(6:19:22 AM) spitinacopsface: Well you're right to be.
(6:19:29 AM) spitinacopsface: And I am sorry.
(6:19:57 AM) Sigma386: Couldn't we just run away?
(6:20:11 AM) Sigma386: I said I would go with you.
(6:20:17 AM) Sigma386: And I will.
(6:24:02 AM) spitinacopsface: no time
(6:24:17 AM) spitinacopsface: I just stole my brother's car and crashed it.
(6:24:35 AM) Sigma386: How?
(6:24:39 AM) Sigma386: What happened?
(6:29:25 AM) spitinacopsface: danny
(6:29:35 AM) spitinacopsface: ask him
(6:29:44 AM) spitinacopsface: dan miller on my facebook friends
(6:33:07 AM) Sigma386: I wrote him a message asking what the story behind that accident was.
(6:45:07 AM) Sigma386: By the way, I was a bit shocked when you told me you love me...
(6:45:13 AM) Sigma386: ... But, I love you, too.
(6:46:22 AM) Sigma386: In a romantic way.
(6:46:39 AM) Sigma386: And as a friend.
(6:46:48 AM) Sigma386: Especially as a friend.
(6:47:10 AM) Sigma386: Because you can't have love without friendship.
(6:48:01 AM) Sigma386: And I'm pretty sure that's what you meant when you said you love me, that you love me as a friend.
(6:48:10 AM) Sigma386: As a person.
(6:48:48 AM) Sigma386: If only I could hold you in my arms in your time of need.
(6:49:09 AM) Sigma386: I swear, this is something out of a tragedy...
(6:50:45 AM) spitinacopsface: he's on AIM now
(6:50:51 AM) spitinacopsface: andi told jake to talk to you
(6:53:45 AM) Sigma386: ... Neither one started talking to me so far.
(6:54:17 AM) spitinacopsface: yes a friend. I wish I couldlove you the wayyou loveme, youeserve it but I don'tand ihave reade, but it isn't easyfor me to fall in love. andyou don't o dope.
(6:54:24 AM) spitinacopsface: we couldnever bea couple
(6:54:33 AM) spitinacopsface: but thank you for loving me
(6:57:15 AM) Sigma386: I'm more worried about our taste in sex. You like it aggressive, and I'm not the same way...
(6:57:36 AM) Sigma386: ... So, yeah... I don't even think we're sexually compatible to be a couple...
(6:59:00 AM) Sigma386: ... And, well, like you said, I'm a virgin. I've only read books about sex, and I've never tried anything, so I probably wouldn't be able to please you.
(7:00:11 AM) Sigma386: Although, I know dope is a big turn-on for you.
(7:01:32 AM) Sigma386: You've said so before in your Livejournal. You said that just seeing someone shoot up nearly brings you to orgasm.
(7:02:32 AM) Sigma386: But, I don't think it's impossible for someone who does do dope and someone who doesn't do dope to be a couple...
(7:06:29 AM) spitinacopsface: it doesn't matter.
(7:06:41 AM) spitinacopsface: sorry I could never love you how you love me.
(7:06:45 AM) spitinacopsface: sorry I took your money.
(7:06:50 AM) spitinacopsface: sorry I am leaving you.
(7:07:47 AM) Sigma386: Well, I was hoping it would save you from getting evicted.
(7:08:08 AM) Sigma386: But that didn't even work...
(7:08:16 AM) Sigma386: And now it's come to this...
(7:09:49 AM) Sigma386: It's times like this I wish I could alter the past.
(7:10:14 AM) Sigma386: Then maybe I could have made things better.
(7:11:10 AM) Sigma386: And maybe you wouldn't be miserable.
(7:11:14 AM) Sigma386: Like you are.
(7:12:03 AM) Sigma386: I would have saved that money that I made at Goodwill and I would have been able to get a place of my own 5-6 years ago, and I wouldn't have been dragged out here and forced to see you kill yourself.
(7:12:30 AM) Sigma386: And things would have been better.
(7:12:53 AM) Sigma386: Spending all that money on video games was a big mistake.
(7:13:05 AM) Sigma386: I could have saved your life with all that money...
(7:14:53 AM) Sigma386: I have so many regrets. I made so many foolish mistakes in my life.
(7:17:19 AM) Sigma386: My life will never be the same after this, I'm probably going to hate everyone I know for not helping me.
(7:17:31 AM) Sigma386: I'm going to blame them for your death.
(7:18:07 AM) Sigma386: They could have helped me save you, but their lack of understanding and thoughtfulness was only an obstacle.
(7:18:16 AM) Sigma386: All they're good for is getting in my way!
(7:18:38 AM) spitinacopsface: you are notcapable of alleviating mymiesry
(7:18:59 AM) spitinacopsface: and it is MY fault I got evicted not youra
(7:19:06 AM) spitinacopsface: I am adopefiend
(7:19:50 AM) spitinacopsface: all of thisis myfault
(7:19:54 AM) spitinacopsface: notyoyers
(7:20:00 AM) spitinacopsface: notmy parents
(7:20:05 AM) spitinacopsface: notthe cops
(7:20:06 AM) spitinacopsface: mine
(7:22:53 AM) Sigma386: But, what could you have done to change things, to make them better?
(7:23:38 AM) Sigma386: I don't blame you for anything that has happened.
(7:23:46 AM) Sigma386: Maybe I'm crazy...
(7:24:02 AM) Sigma386: ... But, there's so much wrong with the world.
(7:24:19 AM) Sigma386: And, you're a far better person that most people will ever be.
(7:24:29 AM) Sigma386: I've never seen you sell yourself short.
(7:24:58 AM) Sigma386: You're the most authentic person I know.
(7:25:33 AM) Sigma386: The world would be losing a great person if you died.
(7:26:17 AM) Sigma386: I mean, sure, you're into heroin, but it's the government's fault that it's illegal.
(7:26:24 AM) Sigma386: You didn't want it to be illegal.
(7:26:28 AM) Sigma386: A lot of people don't.
(7:26:48 AM) Sigma386: But a lot more people do, and for bad reasons.
(7:27:19 AM) Sigma386: But they're just being ignorant.
(7:28:48 AM) Sigma386: And I think it's so ingrained in their psyche that they if they heard the truth, they wouldn't accept it.
She logged off after that for a while. She told me she had a court date that morning so I'm assuming that's why she had to go, but what unsettled me was her status message read "dead" when I last saw her. She did eventually log back on though, and I tried talking to her then.
(9:19:59 AM) Sigma386: You're back.
(9:21:54 AM) Sigma386: Neither Jake nor Danny got back to me
(9:23:19 AM) Sigma386: I don't know why
(9:25:27 AM) Sigma386: It's awfully rude of them not to talk to me.
(9:21:54 AM) Sigma386: Neither Jake nor Danny got back to me
(9:23:19 AM) Sigma386: I don't know why
(9:25:27 AM) Sigma386: It's awfully rude of them not to talk to me.
She never replied. Instead, she went idle for an hour before signing off again. I jumped the gun a bit. Danny DID get back to me and he has been helping me trying to find out what happened to Liz, so I probably shouldn't have said he was rude. He was probably just away from his PC. But yeah, that's what happened. She vanished. It's been over a week since anyone last saw her, and this is why I'm so depressed right now. I think I may actually need her to function in life, because she's the whole reason I didn't want to move to Iowa in the first place.
I've had this crush on her ever since I met her in Drawing II class, and I've been trying to fulfill this crush for 5 years now. But, before I met her again thanks to Facebook, I was having trouble trying to find her. All I had to go by was her first name, her sun sign, and a college she previously attended. I didn't think to look in Facebook, though, only Myspace. But, when I looked on Facebook, I instantly found her and sent her a message saying I was an old classmate who wanted to be friends with her. That's how we finally got to know each other. We had been planning to move in with each other, because we needed each other. She needed someone who would help her raise the roof of her apartment, and I needed someone I could become intimate with. I also needed a way to get out of my parents' basement and get back home, since I was so hung up on that, too. But every time I made plans to move in with her and find a job, the people closest to me had an objection, and because of that it always seemed to fall through, save for one time, and we only had time to go out to eat. The rest of the day consisted of trying to help her rent a car so she could visit Reade, who was in jail at the time. But unfortunately, my friend Chris thinks she was using him for a ride. But every time afterwards, all my plans to see her in person ended in failure. And she needed me since Reade bit the bullet for her, and they got separated because of the justice system. When that happened, she felt depressed. It was hard for her to get by because without him living with her, she had no one. I was separated from her by distance, and Danny did try to comfort her, but to no avail. She missed Reade so much and wanted him back. I think that was also part of what drove her over the edge. Between that and having to go back to living with your parents, it must have been tough for her. And now she's gone, and I'm miserable because of it. The only thing that would possibly cheer me up is if she turned up online again, or gave me some sign that she was alive. Then I would at least have some hope of getting reunited with her. The only thing that's keeping me alive is the possibility that instead of killing herself, she ran out of state to somewhere safe, and that maybe I could follow her there, and that maybe I would be able to help her back on her feet after all that's happened. She's the most brilliant person I know, she deserves better than what she gets.
But that's only scratching the surface. As if life was playing some sort of sick joke on me, people have been popping up on MSN sending me some suspicious link and generally just acting suspicious. The first time it was someone pretending to be some Chinese girl, the next it was pretending to be some girl named Rose. But, normally, whenever someone types something, I will see something on the bottom of Pidgin that says "(username) is typing..." I'm almost certain it's a bot typing out these messages, pretending to be human and just trying to promote this link. The address is I'm not sure what it is, but I know better than to open a link I've never seen. It could be a virus for all anyone knows. And when I did a Google search on it, it gave me back a lot of pages, many in Chinese, some mentioning a Kingsoft. I'll have to look that up, too, but this has gone to far. All I'll say now is that if there is a God, if she lets anything bad happen to Liz I will never forgive him. I've toiled too much for her sake for it all to just get blown to bits like this! She's the only reason I even got a job with the newspaper or Census Bureau, I did all that for her sake!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Census Work
Hi all. It's been a good while since I posted anything, but life has been truly crazy right now. I've been trying to get back in touch with one of my friends, and it's been difficult because a lot of people I know don't trust her because of her criminal record (she used drugs at some point in her life, but only to try to numb pain which may be caused by porphyria, which none of her doctors helped her treat...) I've been trying to help save her from harassment by authorities, but she's in some seriously deep s***, and trying to help her has been very difficult, partly because of her addiction to cigarettes, one thing she could definitely do without, and she even admits it. So, for her sake, I've been trying to get a job. And guess what? I found one! After quitting my lousy paper route job, the U.S. Census Bureau called me and offered me a temporary position as a NRFU enumerator. The job is a lot of work, because it involves trying to get in touch with people who are difficult to get a hold of, due to either being scarce, or just not wanting to fill out their census forms (in fact, I think one guy blew me off today, claiming that I called a wrong number...) Well, it only lasted a month for me, but the pay was good ($11.75 in my region, but larger cities get paid more.) Anyway, today is my last day, and I'm going to turn the last of my work folders in when my supervisor comes down this way to visit me. But, even with all the money I made, she isn't any better off. What's more, I need to pay my parents $160 insurance as well, seeing as they were reluctant to put me on their insurance. I had to bargain with them to get away with that. I would expect that from a total stranger, but my parents!? Anyway, I say the job is tough because it involves dealing with people, sometimes difficult ones, but the pay more than makes up for it, and with the way I'm trying to move out of the area, it helps that the job is only temporary. However, the government only does a census once every 10 years, so I was lucky that I caught it when I did, because with the economy suffering like it is, we kind of need some way to create jobs, and this is one way. But now that it's over, I have one thing to show for it; A work reference. And I know stuff about my supervisor so I can put her as a professional reference whenever I need to fill out any applications. But, I feel like I could have done more work. COULD HAVE, but I wasn't very experienced, and this was the first time I had to do any detective work, and given the rules that governed my job, I think I handled it better than some people in my situation would have. All things considered, it was worth it. Hopefully maybe I can use this to get a permanent job that pays just as good, where I can do work that doesn't involve social interaction, if I want that I have friends to talk to. So what does the future hold in store? We'll see...
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Did scientists REALLY find Noah's Ark?
Most of us in America probably know the story; The world had become wicked and God had sent Noah to build an ark, load it with 2 of each animal, and stay on it for 40 days and 40 nights. On the 41st day, Noah went to send a dove out to see if there was dry land, and it brought back a branch from an olive tree, so he unloaded the Ark, and he and his family got off and populated the land, and God promised him he would never flood the Earth again by making a rainbow in the sky.
Well, certainly some of us know what causes a rainbow; It occurs when water in certain forms (such as rain) splits up light into its 7 colors, and causes it to appear as the familiar ring-shaped spectrum we know as the rainbow. A glass prism breaks light up in the same way, all that matters is that light has to pass through a translucent container, such as those 2 things which I mentioned above. So I don't know what to say about 'God' creating it, but here's interesting news; Scientists in Europe claim to have found Noah's Ark atop Mt. Arafat in Turkey. But what's more interesting is another source claims that Noah's Ark is ALREADY displayed somewhere else in Turkey. So, are either of them real? And if so, which one is it? But the fact that it was found atop a mountain certainly makes the case seem that much stronger, I mean, how would a boat end up up there? Could it have been elevated to that level after the 4,800 years that it has been sitting there? (That, by the way, is the age which scientists observing the finding in China date the wood back to.)
This is almost like the time someone claimed to have found the cloths that Jesus wore when he was crucified. But, that can't possibly be evidence of his existence, we have no idea what his DNA structure would have been from his blood... Unless it doesn't match anyone else, that's also a possibility. But it's these things that I'm looking for, proof that the words in the Bible aren't just something fictional, with some sort of empirical evidence of the existence of the things which the Bible claims to have happened. Like the ark, for instance.
But even if God DID exist, I don't believe in the modern teachings of the Catholic church. They say that things that are proven scientific fact are the work of the Devil, and that evolution is not fact... I disagree with them, there is strong evidence to the contrary. And some of the stuff they teach I don't think I remember even being in the Bible. Personally, I feel like it's necessary to avoid religion altogether, it gets crazy at times. I prefer a form of pure spiritualism, one that uses the Bible as its only authority, and if I decide I want to have faith in him again, I'll take that approach to it instead. Besides, even though it has been 4 years, it looks like maybe my prayers will be answered after all. But, why such a long time? Was there something I needed to get out of losing my freedom? After all, it had to get to the point where I thought it couldn't possibly get any worse before I finally figured out a way to find what I was looking for... Freedom...
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Half of Facebook dislikes Obama.
I took this poll on Facebook today that asked me if I approved of the job Barack Obama was doing as president. Now, I know he won a lot of people over with his speeches about "Change we can believe in", but ever since he became president, it seems like he's been spending our tax dollars lavishly to pay for all sorts of stuff that he doesn't need. That's my biggest gripe with Obama. And, while he is a powerful orator, I think he's full of s***. Nothing much has seemed to change, and he claims that he's going to turn the economy around, and that he won't be pressured by lobbyists, etc. etc... So, why is Monsanto still allowed to grow GMOs? Why does McDonald's still use fattening palm oil for their burgers? Why does Microsoft still have a monopoly over the software market? Why do Wal-Mart and Nike still ship production jobs overseas? Why does big tobacco still use poisonous chemicals in their cigarettes?
Not like I really care about the economy, though. I personally despise the money system. I think it would be better if the corporations didn't exist, and more local businesses were responsible for providing services to people. Historical societies work this way, and they tend to do the best because they are uncorrupted by corporate interests. They also tend to be the richest, as well, since they rely on local, family-owned businesses instead of being multi-national corporation that doesn't care about the welfare of the people they serve. In fact, another problem I have with the current economic system is the stock market. It's only there to serve the previously mentioned multi-national corporations that I am opposed to. The people who make it work are terribly greedy and arrogant. If it were to vanish one day, or just "die", I wouldn't care, in fact, I would be saying good riddance to bad rubbish. Things shouldn't be profit-oriented, that's wrong. Instead, a business should be there to provide people with services that it needs, and it should do so within ethical boundaries. I think it is hard, if not impossible, for a multi-national fortune 500 company to do this, since it has to keep track of so many branch offices and that makes it hard for them to cater to the needs of individual people. But some of the worst ones just throw humanity out the window, many of which I mentioned in my last paragraph. McDonald's, as well as many of the fast food chains that mimic it, contribute to obesity and animal cruelty. Nike and Wal-Mart ship jobs overseas, leaving many Americans out of work, when they could be making a decent living, and the jobs they give to the people in Africa/China are so hideously grueling because of the conditions they make their workers work in. If they had the right accommodations, these manufacturing jobs wouldn't be so bad. Same goes for pay, these workers are grossly underpaid. And in the case of Nike, people who have asked for a living wage turn up missing. Microsoft, on the other hand, has a monopoly over the software market, mainly because of it's operating system, Windows, and they make faulty products, as opposed to Apple or Linux, and the alternatives don't have much support as a result, so people are forced to go with Microsoft on many things. To top it off, many anti-virus companies, like Norton and McAffee, design viruses in order to force people to buy the full version of their programs. It's blackmail! And Monsanto... Oh, Monsanto... I despise them the most. I already dug up a video and blogged about them in one of my earlier blog posts. These companies are the reason I feel the way I do about Capitalism. To me, Capitalism invented these companies, and allowed them to exist. If we had a different system of economics they probably wouldn't have even been thought of!
But, I digress. Going back to the poll on Obama, you probably know what my answer was (if not, then I'll tell you; I don't approve. He doesn't know what he's doing, or he doesn't care.) Well, after I submitted my answer, it gave me the results so far. It turns out that 50% of all the Facebook users think that Obama is doing a bad job as president. So, there you have it, he's not as popular as he was before he became president. But it's funny, if he HADN'T been president, people would have still been cheering him on and stuff like they do Al Gore. Just goes to show you, most of the time, elections are decided between "a giant douche and a turd sandwich". (quoted from an episode of South Park.)
... Oh, and if I haven't mentioned it yet already, I voted for Ralph Nader. I'm a registered independent voter.
Barack Obama,
the corporation,
the stock market
Monday, April 19, 2010
A public warning
If someone by the name of Jeff Bruner offers you a modeling job, and makes you go to an audition to do nude modeling, be warned... It could be the same guy who ripped off my friend Liz. She met with this guy from a website for people who are looking for financial support. He told her that he would pay her to do modeling, so she went to an audition (models don't usually audition if they are temporary), and after she was done, he said she was hired. Well, he said he would pay her $600 and take her shopping for clothing for the various scenes that he had her pose in, but the $600 never came. She needed this money to pay her rent, and she was counting on it in order to pay her rent on time so she could stay in school (she's very bright.) So, in a way, this Jeff guy not only got a free show from her, but never paid her. Basically, he stole from the poor. I don't know if he has a reputation or not, but in case he does, this post is here for you when you do your research. He is an overweight male in about his 60's or so.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
New lowest weight!
I weighed in at 185 lbs. moments after I woke up! This is a new record for me, and if I lose 5 more pounds I will have reached my weight loss goal for my New Year's resolution! But I won't stop there, not if I still have a spare tire. I will do my best to get rid of it! Not only that but I feel like I don't get hungry as often. More time to do other stuff that I need to do!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Adsense is back.
Actually, them keeping my original account inaccessible isn't really a big deal, I'll just try to put up with it. But yeah, Adsense let me sign up with my professional email. Just as well, since I would be able to check it with my default email address, seeing as it's linked.
So, that aside, I'm finally leaving my job with the paper today, I'm so thrilled! I'm going to be getting a better job... I'll be working as an enumerator for the Census, and they'll be paying me WAY better than my paper job. The only downside is they want me to get vaccinated. I don't trust them, I've been perfectly fine without them. It's also temporary, so when I'm done, I can get an apartment and find a job at my new location. I might not be able to get $11.75 an hour, but maybe they'll see that and think about it when deciding what to pay me. I'll also be working full time, too. And if things go well enough, I'll get back into college. It will be nice to live the life of a college student again.
Also, I don't know if it's the router, but my internet WAS buggy. But, I just reset it, and it started to work fine. Then Chrome crashed, and I had to restart my PC. Right when I was playing bingo with friends, too. Well, I hope that doesn't happen again, that was a horrible inconvenience...
Friday, April 9, 2010
Going to try Adsense again.
But I still don't approve of them denying me to access my old account again, I think it sucks that they do that.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
This offends me SOOO much!

I saw this ad in my junk mail that offended me tonight. It's for a device that's supposed to train "noisy dogs" to stop barking. I know that one of my neighbors has such a dog, and I do realize that it can get on people's nerves sometimes, but I look at it through the dog's point of view. The dog is trying to tell its owner something, and barking is one of the ways it communicates with its caretaker (some will say master, and that's probably closer to the truth in most cases, but such terminology suggests that dogs are inferior to humans and are therefore supposed to be tamed by humans, which I feel is completely wrong. The only reason to train an animal is to try to socialize it, not to make it submissive. Dogs are loyal enough anyway if you treat them right.) So, people respond by buying these devices? Do we just buy these things to just train a dog to "shut up" when it's told to? And I'm not even sure how the dog would feel about it, I mean, it's supposed to emit a sound that is out of range which humans can hear. But even if it WAS as painless as they claim, I think it is immoral. If the dog wants to bark, it has every right to. Give the dogs freedom of speech.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
What's up with this sticker?
I was eating cheese and crackers just a moment ago when I looked at the bananas and found this sticker on one of them.

I recognize this guy to be a character from Sega's hit game "Super Monkey Ball". Although I didn't chuckle, I still found it funny regardless. In fact, I think the original game had Chiquita bananas in it. But it's funny. Gaming and fruit... *chuckle*
... Sure, NOW I laugh...
I recognize this guy to be a character from Sega's hit game "Super Monkey Ball". Although I didn't chuckle, I still found it funny regardless. In fact, I think the original game had Chiquita bananas in it. But it's funny. Gaming and fruit... *chuckle*
... Sure, NOW I laugh...
Monday, March 29, 2010
What is absolute truth?
I believe that there is an absolute truth. Here is part of a conversation I had with Liz about the matter:
(6:01:53 PM) spitinacopsface: I don't think universal truth exists
(6:02:43 PM) Sigma386: I do. Otherwise apples wouldn't fall to the ground, airplanes couldn't fly, and fish couldn't breathe underwater. Those are some things I consider absolute truths.
(6:03:19 PM) Sigma386: Well, in their most abstract form, anyway.
(6:04:13 PM) Sigma386: Our explanations of why they do what they do may change over time, but the fact of the matter is they do what they do because of absolute truths.
(6:04:30 PM) Sigma386: And we've written laws to explain those truths.
(6:04:37 PM) spitinacopsface: I don't know.
(6:04:53 PM) Sigma386: Well, I should say "try" to explain those truths.
(6:05:40 PM) Sigma386: And we haven't done too bad of a job trying to explain them, as far as anyone knows.
(6:05:57 PM) Sigma386: Except religious fanatics.
(6:06:41 PM) Sigma386: They do an utterly horrible job of trying to explain those truths.
(6:06:55 PM) Sigma386: And they have been for many years.
(6:08:55 PM) Sigma386: But yeah, I believe in absolute truths, just not in the same way most people do.
(6:09:08 PM) Sigma386: Like I don't believe in a rigid concept of "good" and "evil".
(6:09:48 PM) Sigma386: I don't consider those to be absolute truths at all.
(6:10:06 PM) Sigma386: To me absolute truths are stuff like the laws of Physics, Chemistry, etc. etc.
(6:10:48 PM) Sigma386: Thought the explanations will change from time to time, the rules that have governed those things will always apply.
(6:12:01 PM) Sigma386: That statement, I believe, is an absolute truth.
(6:13:33 PM) spitinacopsface: I guess
That pretty much sums up what my stance on the concept of "absolute truth" is. I believe it exists, and science is as close as we have come to explaining those absolute truths. But they exist in their most abstract form, and they always will apply for as long as the Universe exists. As for a rigid sense of right and wrong, of good and evil, I don't believe in those, because what works for one person may not work for another.
(6:01:53 PM) spitinacopsface: I don't think universal truth exists
(6:02:43 PM) Sigma386: I do. Otherwise apples wouldn't fall to the ground, airplanes couldn't fly, and fish couldn't breathe underwater. Those are some things I consider absolute truths.
(6:03:19 PM) Sigma386: Well, in their most abstract form, anyway.
(6:04:13 PM) Sigma386: Our explanations of why they do what they do may change over time, but the fact of the matter is they do what they do because of absolute truths.
(6:04:30 PM) Sigma386: And we've written laws to explain those truths.
(6:04:37 PM) spitinacopsface: I don't know.
(6:04:53 PM) Sigma386: Well, I should say "try" to explain those truths.
(6:05:40 PM) Sigma386: And we haven't done too bad of a job trying to explain them, as far as anyone knows.
(6:05:57 PM) Sigma386: Except religious fanatics.
(6:06:41 PM) Sigma386: They do an utterly horrible job of trying to explain those truths.
(6:06:55 PM) Sigma386: And they have been for many years.
(6:08:55 PM) Sigma386: But yeah, I believe in absolute truths, just not in the same way most people do.
(6:09:08 PM) Sigma386: Like I don't believe in a rigid concept of "good" and "evil".
(6:09:48 PM) Sigma386: I don't consider those to be absolute truths at all.
(6:10:06 PM) Sigma386: To me absolute truths are stuff like the laws of Physics, Chemistry, etc. etc.
(6:10:48 PM) Sigma386: Thought the explanations will change from time to time, the rules that have governed those things will always apply.
(6:12:01 PM) Sigma386: That statement, I believe, is an absolute truth.
(6:13:33 PM) spitinacopsface: I guess
That pretty much sums up what my stance on the concept of "absolute truth" is. I believe it exists, and science is as close as we have come to explaining those absolute truths. But they exist in their most abstract form, and they always will apply for as long as the Universe exists. As for a rigid sense of right and wrong, of good and evil, I don't believe in those, because what works for one person may not work for another.
EndCiv IV trailer.
There's times I've thought about how it costs so much to so much as exist. This video mentions it, as well as the fact that our society is based on violence, and would collapse without it, and I would recommend it to my friends. I'd donate, too, if I could afford it.
So long, Adsense!
I've decided I don't need your bullcrap anymore. For as long as you refuse to submit to my demands, I will go elsewhere for my advertising needs! I will be using Bidvertiser, and if that doesn't work out, there's other sites I know about. The point is, I now refuse to use Adsense, and I will keep refusing to use Adsense for as long as my account is canceled and you refuse to let me re-activate it! And I will encourage all my friends and family to stop using Adsense and go elsewhere for their advertising needs! So think carefully about this, do you want to see all your customers go, or are you going to change and let people reactivate their accounts after they've been canceled?
Adsense sucks.
A while ago I canceled my old Adsense account, reason being I didn't think I would need it due to these PTC sites I've signed up for. Problem is, the setup didn't work quite as well as I'd hoped it would, you don't make a lot of money very quickly with PTC programs. So I wanted to get my old account back, and Google makes it nigh impossible to do that. They really need to change, this is an inconvenience for everyone who uses their service and has decided that canceling their account was a bad idea, like me. And I don't want to use an alternate email address, either, that was cumbersome. It would just be easier to access my Adsense stats for the same email address I use for just about everything else.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
I have an IMPOSTER!
I was bored and looked up "BishounenNerd" on Google and as it turns out someone stole my name!
This is not me! And it's not just a coincidence, either, this guy deliberately stole my name! He even has a thumbnail from a video I made on YouTube as his avatar! He even got my date of birth wrong! HA! It should be public knowledge, and he wasn't smart enough to find it! You're not fooling anyone! I don't know who this guy is but he has a lot of nerve stealing my name. One of the main reasons I chose it was because it was unique, something I thought up entirely on my own. I'll probably never sign up for TubeX, but if I ever do, he better give me my name back, or I'm telling people about him and getting him in trouble for this! I worked to hard on that name just for someone to go and steal it on me!
This is not me! And it's not just a coincidence, either, this guy deliberately stole my name! He even has a thumbnail from a video I made on YouTube as his avatar! He even got my date of birth wrong! HA! It should be public knowledge, and he wasn't smart enough to find it! You're not fooling anyone! I don't know who this guy is but he has a lot of nerve stealing my name. One of the main reasons I chose it was because it was unique, something I thought up entirely on my own. I'll probably never sign up for TubeX, but if I ever do, he better give me my name back, or I'm telling people about him and getting him in trouble for this! I worked to hard on that name just for someone to go and steal it on me!
F*** the police.
I don't mean that in just a rigid sense as to say "f*** the cops" or anything like that. I'm talking about the regulators, the people who only exist to tell you what you can and can not do, the people who only want to get in your way, the people that write the rules that chain you. They are the "police". F*** 'em.
My mom was in a creative mood today.
She was originally going to make chicken fajitas for dinner today, but she couldn't because she didn't have enough tortillas. So, instead she boiled up some wheat pasta, mixed the chicken and veggies in a skillet and all that, and had some shredded cheese out for us to use. I was blown away by how good it tasted.
Everything has to be new or it doesn't work.
Just a moment ago, my dad was searching for some games that he used to play on my laptop. Well, I helped him find them, and he tried some of them. One of his Blackjack games that he got from the College of Dupage computer show didn't work anymore. Something about it being incompatible with Windows 7. He also tried connecting a bunch of old mice that we had lying around to it, and none of them worked because apparently there isn't a serial port or anything like that. It seems like everything has to be new or it doesn't work. It's wasteful, actually, I have a bunch of old mice sitting around, and they're perfectly good. My Toshiba laptop would agree to that. But all of them have no machine to attach to. Maybe if I buy an old EGA computer or something, maybe I could get some use out of them. And there it is again, I need an EGA computer that's slow to play some of the older games that I have. I have this game called "Perestroika", which is named after the Democratic restructuring of Russia, made by Locus games. All the newer computers I have run it too fast, if at all, and my old CGA Tandy can't process the graphics, and is too slow to run it as well. Again, everything has to be new or it doesn't work. Isn't it possible to make newer machines compatible with old technology? We're losing something valuable if we don't!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
I hate money so much right now.
It seems like every problem that comes up in my life has something to do with money. A while back, my parents moved me out to Iowa, but I was completely against it, but I had no say in the matter. The only way that I could have moved out on my own and stayed back home was if I had money. So here I am, being dragged away from my home in St. Charles, and I haven't been happy... In fact, I was so miserable that I couldn't even keep up my grades in school and was in and out. I was unstable, I couldn't think about anything except how unhappy I was that I was forced to do something that I didn't want to do. I felt like an animal caged in a zoo, and that was eating away at me for such a long time. And part of the reason was because I wanted to fulfill this crush I had on Liz, this girl I met in college who is now a friend of mine thanks to social networking. Finding her online gave me a sense of hope, but as it turns out, trying to get back to Illinois has caused many problems, most likely my fault, but not entirely my fault. The problem again is money. And money seems to be more of a problem, too, because she's desperate for cash as well, and she lives in a crappy apartment in Dekalb, and her boyfriend doesn't lift so much as a finger to help her... Yeah, she has a boyfriend, I eventually found that out from talking to her... And she doesn't have people to turn to for help, all her friends in real life haven't stuck with her and now she's got an apartment to carry all by herself with 2 mouths to feed, hers and her boyfriends, and she's struggling to keep her grades up in college. All this because of money, or a lack thereof. And here I am trying to move back to get a job and help her, but you know what? I need money to do that. And I need money to drive a car and money to eat and money to stay in one spot for a while and money to s***, shower, and shave, money to drink... Every damn thing costs money! And I notice this more than ever now because I haven't been spending as much money lately on video games, I can't afford it anymore!
Which reminds me... A while back, I played a little game called Mother 3. It was never released in the U.S., and in order to play it in English, you needed a patch. Well, I played it, and the story is much what I was just ranting about in the last excessively long paragraph. The story starts out in a little quiet place called Tazmilly Village. There, everyone lives a quiet, peaceful life, in harmony with nature. The focus of the story is the Lucas' family, which consists of Lucas, his brother Claus, his father Flint, his mother Hinawa, and his grandfather Alec. After the kids are done playing with the dragos, they eat dinner and decide to head home. But on the way there, evil pig mask soldiers start tearing the forest apart and mutating the wildlife. With the help of his friends, Flint manages to save most of the villages, but eventually it is discovered that his beloved wife Hinawa had been killed by a mutated drago. They had turned violent because of the mutations. Fast forward several years and Lucas is more grown up, and a man named Yokuba comes to town, promising everyone that they will be happy if they get this device called a "happy box" (the resemblance to a T.V. is no coincidence), and that if they don't get one disaster will strike them, and he also introduces money to the village. Eventually things change for the worse, as these new changes cause people to distrust one another, and forces people to work for the one who turned their forest into a chimera preserve. It's all the devices of an evil spoiled brat named Porky Minch, and he wants to summon a dragon to rule the world. But Lucas has to summon it first to keep the dragon from working for Porky, so it's up to him to save the world.
In a way, the plot makes me think a lot of the way the real world is now. Money is an instrument used by those in power to enslave humanity and make it do their bidding. But this world has no equivalent of Lucas, no one to stand up and stick it to the man.
On a totally unrelated note, I hate to ask this of anyone, but if someone just so happens to be reading this, can they send me $100? It would mean a lot to me. My Paypal email is Please don't ask why I need it, though, I just do.
Which reminds me... A while back, I played a little game called Mother 3. It was never released in the U.S., and in order to play it in English, you needed a patch. Well, I played it, and the story is much what I was just ranting about in the last excessively long paragraph. The story starts out in a little quiet place called Tazmilly Village. There, everyone lives a quiet, peaceful life, in harmony with nature. The focus of the story is the Lucas' family, which consists of Lucas, his brother Claus, his father Flint, his mother Hinawa, and his grandfather Alec. After the kids are done playing with the dragos, they eat dinner and decide to head home. But on the way there, evil pig mask soldiers start tearing the forest apart and mutating the wildlife. With the help of his friends, Flint manages to save most of the villages, but eventually it is discovered that his beloved wife Hinawa had been killed by a mutated drago. They had turned violent because of the mutations. Fast forward several years and Lucas is more grown up, and a man named Yokuba comes to town, promising everyone that they will be happy if they get this device called a "happy box" (the resemblance to a T.V. is no coincidence), and that if they don't get one disaster will strike them, and he also introduces money to the village. Eventually things change for the worse, as these new changes cause people to distrust one another, and forces people to work for the one who turned their forest into a chimera preserve. It's all the devices of an evil spoiled brat named Porky Minch, and he wants to summon a dragon to rule the world. But Lucas has to summon it first to keep the dragon from working for Porky, so it's up to him to save the world.
In a way, the plot makes me think a lot of the way the real world is now. Money is an instrument used by those in power to enslave humanity and make it do their bidding. But this world has no equivalent of Lucas, no one to stand up and stick it to the man.
On a totally unrelated note, I hate to ask this of anyone, but if someone just so happens to be reading this, can they send me $100? It would mean a lot to me. My Paypal email is Please don't ask why I need it, though, I just do.
I totally misunderstood the meaning of the word "blog'...
I can't believe I didn't realize it before. Blog is short for web log. I know this, and yet I treat it like it's a place where people come to see what I recommend. They don't know who I am. And that just makes me look full of myself. Maybe I am. A dreadful thought, but if it is true then I gotta say, maybe I ought to stop thinking so much of myself, it's really hurting me.
I had a conversation with Liz today. It went a little something like this:
(12:36:28 AM) Sigma386: As I was saying...
(12:36:44 AM) Sigma386: You would have to get A LOT of visitors to your site to make adsense work.
(12:36:56 AM) Sigma386: I'm lucky if I can get one in a day.
(12:38:00 AM) spitinacopsface: Yeah. But how do you get people to read your blog?
(12:38:18 AM) Sigma386: If I knew that, I would be much more successful than I am now.
(12:38:24 AM) spitinacopsface: I would say write it as if you don't have an audience at first.
(12:38:28 AM) Sigma386: I've tried linking to it on various other site.s
(12:38:34 AM) spitinacopsface: Write like my livejournal says.
(12:38:48 AM) spitinacopsface: And search for people who will want to read your entries.
(12:39:01 AM) spitinacopsface: Like look at my huge list of followers and friends on livejournal.
(12:39:07 AM) Sigma386: I have a link to it on Facebook and Mylot.
(12:39:09 AM) spitinacopsface: I found some of them, many of them found me
(12:39:41 AM) spitinacopsface: And many are people who don't share my views or interests but see my enteries as art and read them like they would read like william burroughs or something.
(12:39:59 AM) spitinacopsface: So estabilish something like I used to have on livejournal.
(12:40:14 AM) spitinacopsface: get it so people all want to read for the sake or reading it, as friends or fans,
(12:40:33 AM) spitinacopsface: and don't write about what they might want to hear, just write about every thought you have
(12:41:00 AM) spitinacopsface: I mean I see successful blogs, and that's how they always are if they're not technical info about really specific stuff.
(12:41:27 AM) Sigma386: Mine isn't about anything in particular.
(12:41:37 AM) spitinacopsface: just like some normal person blogs about fighing with her boyfriend and getting diarrhea from the sushi she ate, and people are interestd for whatever reason.
(12:41:45 AM) Sigma386: Recently I did a review of the Alice in Wonderland movie.
(12:42:29 AM) Sigma386: My friend Chris took me to see that.
(12:42:34 AM) spitinacopsface: with me, my writiing is art, and my life is art, and just telling about my day give people something they'd never live themselves and since it is real and not being written for the readers at all it amazes them
(12:42:36 AM) Sigma386: It wasn't that bad...
(12:44:22 AM) Sigma386: Yeah, that's the problem, I guess, I don't think that anyone will be interested in like small shit like that.
(12:44:33 AM) Sigma386: But I guess I'm wrong.
So I think I'm going to change the way I write this. This blog is going to be more blog-like; A journal that I write to. I'm actually sort of afraid, though, people are going to see parts of me that I keep hidden away, stuff that I'm ashamed of. I have a lot of things I'm ashamed of... But, if I don't do this, I'll be stuck in some dead-end job, probably flipping burgers or cleaning someone else's mess. I'm worth more than that, I can read at an advanced level, I'm good at arithmetic and some algebra, and I can actually pick up new ideas fairly easily if I try. So I'd rather be happy and write this blog and make money doing that than doing some degrading job, wearing a uniform and being a tool for the corporation.
I had a conversation with Liz today. It went a little something like this:
(12:36:28 AM) Sigma386: As I was saying...
(12:36:44 AM) Sigma386: You would have to get A LOT of visitors to your site to make adsense work.
(12:36:56 AM) Sigma386: I'm lucky if I can get one in a day.
(12:38:00 AM) spitinacopsface: Yeah. But how do you get people to read your blog?
(12:38:18 AM) Sigma386: If I knew that, I would be much more successful than I am now.
(12:38:24 AM) spitinacopsface: I would say write it as if you don't have an audience at first.
(12:38:28 AM) Sigma386: I've tried linking to it on various other site.s
(12:38:34 AM) spitinacopsface: Write like my livejournal says.
(12:38:48 AM) spitinacopsface: And search for people who will want to read your entries.
(12:39:01 AM) spitinacopsface: Like look at my huge list of followers and friends on livejournal.
(12:39:07 AM) Sigma386: I have a link to it on Facebook and Mylot.
(12:39:09 AM) spitinacopsface: I found some of them, many of them found me
(12:39:41 AM) spitinacopsface: And many are people who don't share my views or interests but see my enteries as art and read them like they would read like william burroughs or something.
(12:39:59 AM) spitinacopsface: So estabilish something like I used to have on livejournal.
(12:40:14 AM) spitinacopsface: get it so people all want to read for the sake or reading it, as friends or fans,
(12:40:33 AM) spitinacopsface: and don't write about what they might want to hear, just write about every thought you have
(12:41:00 AM) spitinacopsface: I mean I see successful blogs, and that's how they always are if they're not technical info about really specific stuff.
(12:41:27 AM) Sigma386: Mine isn't about anything in particular.
(12:41:37 AM) spitinacopsface: just like some normal person blogs about fighing with her boyfriend and getting diarrhea from the sushi she ate, and people are interestd for whatever reason.
(12:41:45 AM) Sigma386: Recently I did a review of the Alice in Wonderland movie.
(12:42:29 AM) Sigma386: My friend Chris took me to see that.
(12:42:34 AM) spitinacopsface: with me, my writiing is art, and my life is art, and just telling about my day give people something they'd never live themselves and since it is real and not being written for the readers at all it amazes them
(12:42:36 AM) Sigma386: It wasn't that bad...
(12:44:22 AM) Sigma386: Yeah, that's the problem, I guess, I don't think that anyone will be interested in like small shit like that.
(12:44:33 AM) Sigma386: But I guess I'm wrong.
So I think I'm going to change the way I write this. This blog is going to be more blog-like; A journal that I write to. I'm actually sort of afraid, though, people are going to see parts of me that I keep hidden away, stuff that I'm ashamed of. I have a lot of things I'm ashamed of... But, if I don't do this, I'll be stuck in some dead-end job, probably flipping burgers or cleaning someone else's mess. I'm worth more than that, I can read at an advanced level, I'm good at arithmetic and some algebra, and I can actually pick up new ideas fairly easily if I try. So I'd rather be happy and write this blog and make money doing that than doing some degrading job, wearing a uniform and being a tool for the corporation.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Movie Reviews: Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland
How many people remember the books "Alice in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass" by Lewis Carol? I checked the two books out not too long ago, and I thoroughly enjoyed them. The novels are classic works of literature, and have eventually been made into a cartoon film by Walt Disney. Well, Disney has produced yet another version of the film, this time directed by Tim Burton, and the movie has already sold more tickets than Avatar, which I consider to be a very good movie. Be sure to read my review of it if you haven't already. Anyway, the new Alice in Wonderland movie isn't too bad, but there were some things that I still think could have been better.
The plot of the movie takes place after "Alice in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass". Alice is much older, presumably in her teens, and she winds up in Wonderland much the same way as she did in the first novel. However, the plot slowly starts to take a firm twist from the originals, as the residents of Wonderland debate whether this Alice is the one they were looking for to slay the dreaded Jabberwocky, whom the Red Queen uses to oppress the creatures of Wonderland. At first Alice is doubtful and has no memory of her previous visit, but as the movie unfolds, she finally starts to accept that that is what she was destined to do. This eventually drives her to search for the Vorpal Sword and free Wonderland from the tyranny of the Red Queen.
There were some things that I did like about the movie. Disney did take a huge creative license with the movie, and it still felt like Alice in Wonderland, so I had no problem with that. They got away with setting it after the 2 novels, and they even gave the hookah smoking caterpillar a name - Absalom. The movie also had a little bit of cheeky humor, like the scene where Alice is in the Queen of Hearts' garden buck naked because she outgrew her clothes, which made me snicker a little bit.
Despite those things, however, there were some things that irked me about the movie. For one, even though they got Johnny Depp to play the role of the Mad Hatter, there were times were he would seem to randomly pick up a Scottish accent for no reason, which seemed kind of annoying at times. But what bothered me the most was one detail that either Tim Burton or Disney didn't seem to care about. The movie makes no distinction between the Red Queen and the Queen of Hearts. In the novels they're 2 entirely separate characters, but in this film the Queen of Hearts is simply referred to as the Red Queen, and it can't have been by accident because all of the White Queen's soldiers look like chess pieces, so they must have known what they were doing.
Overall, if you enjoyed the novels and the original film, you will definitely like this movie. Despite the box office results, however, I still enjoyed Avatar a lot more. I give this movie an 8 out of a possible 10.
The plot of the movie takes place after "Alice in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass". Alice is much older, presumably in her teens, and she winds up in Wonderland much the same way as she did in the first novel. However, the plot slowly starts to take a firm twist from the originals, as the residents of Wonderland debate whether this Alice is the one they were looking for to slay the dreaded Jabberwocky, whom the Red Queen uses to oppress the creatures of Wonderland. At first Alice is doubtful and has no memory of her previous visit, but as the movie unfolds, she finally starts to accept that that is what she was destined to do. This eventually drives her to search for the Vorpal Sword and free Wonderland from the tyranny of the Red Queen.
There were some things that I did like about the movie. Disney did take a huge creative license with the movie, and it still felt like Alice in Wonderland, so I had no problem with that. They got away with setting it after the 2 novels, and they even gave the hookah smoking caterpillar a name - Absalom. The movie also had a little bit of cheeky humor, like the scene where Alice is in the Queen of Hearts' garden buck naked because she outgrew her clothes, which made me snicker a little bit.
Despite those things, however, there were some things that irked me about the movie. For one, even though they got Johnny Depp to play the role of the Mad Hatter, there were times were he would seem to randomly pick up a Scottish accent for no reason, which seemed kind of annoying at times. But what bothered me the most was one detail that either Tim Burton or Disney didn't seem to care about. The movie makes no distinction between the Red Queen and the Queen of Hearts. In the novels they're 2 entirely separate characters, but in this film the Queen of Hearts is simply referred to as the Red Queen, and it can't have been by accident because all of the White Queen's soldiers look like chess pieces, so they must have known what they were doing.
Overall, if you enjoyed the novels and the original film, you will definitely like this movie. Despite the box office results, however, I still enjoyed Avatar a lot more. I give this movie an 8 out of a possible 10.
Alice in Wonderland,
Tim Burton,
Walt Disney
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The corporation is NOT a person!
... But, for the longest time, America's legal system has defined the corporation as a person. Doesn't make sense, does it? Well, the reason they do this is so that they can get away with white-collar crimes. Some of the corporate goliaths, such as AIG, have gotten what they deserved. But, with the law declaring that the corporation IS a person, it is hard to stop the corporations from doing whatever they please. So we must act now! And I have found a site just a moment ago that allows you to make a stand! It's called, and their aim is to amend the constitution so that the corporation cannot be defined as a person. Only people should be defined as people.
I highly recommend Ishmael.
I just got done reading this insightful work of fiction known as "Ishmael", written by Daniel Quinn. In it, the writer replies to a magazine ad for a pupil, with "urgent need to save the world" listed as a requirement. He goes to the place listed and finds that he's being lectured on the history of the "takers" and "leavers" from an articulate gorilla. But the lesson the gorilla teaches him rings true in society as we know it today. It's truly something that is worth thinking about. I strongly urge you to look this book up, it's a must-read for anyone serious about changing the world and making it a better place to live.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
My friend almost died from eating at Subway.
It turns out my friend Chris, who I have known for several years, almost died at the hospital as a result of some nasty food poisoning. The cause: Something he ate at Subway. If THAT doesn't speak badly of fast food restaurants, I don't know what does. Thankfully, he's still alive, and he's coming to visit me today from out of state. He's also bringing with him an old friend who I want to get re-acquainted with, Liz. I'm looking forward to tonight, I get to re-connect with my friends after a long time of not seeing them.
As if that wasn't shocking enough, my friend Al nearly choked on ice. Why is it that all my closest friends seem to have had near-death experiences? It's sort of creepy and foreboding...
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Beware of MagicJak! They will steal your money!
The following is pulled from my instant messenger:
(6:59:11 PM) spitinacopsface: AAAAAAHHH!
(6:59:14 PM) spitinacopsface: I fucking
(6:59:18 PM) spitinacopsface: went to a government website
(6:59:29 PM) spitinacopsface: for assistance paying bills for the poor
(6:59:32 PM) spitinacopsface: and I clicked on a link
(6:59:56 PM) spitinacopsface: and it told me that I can get a gift card for $250 worth of food if I fill out this survey
(6:59:58 PM) spitinacopsface: so I did
(7:00:01 PM) spitinacopsface: and I am an idiot
(7:00:11 PM) spitinacopsface: so I told it my credit card number for my paypal debit card
(7:00:20 PM) Sigma386: Oh God...
(7:00:22 PM) spitinacopsface: and apparently now I spent $96 on a MagicJak.
(7:00:24 PM) spitinacopsface: Yeah.
(7:00:29 PM) spitinacopsface: From a fucking government website
(7:00:36 PM) Sigma386: Wow....
(7:00:37 PM) spitinacopsface: to MagicJak
(7:00:43 PM) spitinacopsface: makes no sense
(7:00:44 PM) spitinacopsface: but
(7:00:45 PM) spitinacopsface: I think
(7:00:53 PM) spitinacopsface: I am never typing my debit card number to anyone again
(7:01:18 PM) spitinacopsface: How do you go from government assistance to a fucking company's product purchase order in one click?
(7:01:33 PM) Sigma386: Good question.
(7:01:54 PM) Sigma386: I mean why would the government need sponsors?
(7:02:06 PM) spitinacopsface: Well I haven't paid my electricity bill in months.
(7:02:16 PM) spitinacopsface: And April is the month when they can turn off the power on you.
(7:02:24 PM) spitinacopsface: So I've got to get this paid somehow.
(7:02:30 PM) spitinacopsface: I thought this government grant would do it.
(7:02:33 PM) spitinacopsface: But what the fuck.
(7:02:39 PM) spitinacopsface: It is sponsored by taxes.
(7:02:44 PM) spitinacopsface: It says right here on the government site.
(7:02:48 PM) Sigma386: Yeah...
(7:02:57 PM) spitinacopsface: That tax dollars pay for a grant that they use to give money to people like me.
(7:02:59 PM) Sigma386: So why the hell do they need to advertise 3rd party services?
(7:03:13 PM) spitinacopsface: And then they said that there are also grants available for other things, like groceries.
(7:03:19 PM) spitinacopsface: So I was like "cool, I need groceries."
(7:03:32 PM) spitinacopsface: And I clicked on that, an then they were asking my name and shit.
(7:03:51 PM) spitinacopsface: An they want to make sure I am the head of the household so I had to electronically sign that I am over 18 and a bunch of shit
(7:04:01 PM) spitinacopsface: an then they asked me a million more questions
(7:04:15 PM) spitinacopsface: and one was my bank account that I use to pay bills
(7:04:27 PM) spitinacopsface: and I told them paypal instead
(7:04:36 PM) spitinacopsface: and then I hit "submit,"
(7:04:47 PM) spitinacopsface: and then it says "thank you for buying MagicJak."
(7:04:56 PM) spitinacopsface: And now $96 is gone from my PayPal account.
(7:04:56 PM) Sigma386: What the Hell is MagicJak?
(7:05:01 PM) spitinacopsface: a phone
(7:05:11 PM) Sigma386: A fucking phone!?
(7:05:26 PM) Sigma386: And it was from a link for groceries?
(7:05:57 PM) Sigma386: Oh my God.
(7:06:03 PM) spitinacopsface: I am back at the main site, and it talks only of government stuff, not MagicJak. No corporations or anything.
(7:06:09 PM) spitinacopsface: Fucking liars ...
(7:06:14 PM) spitinacopsface: Maybe it is a fake government site.
(7:06:24 PM) spitinacopsface: It is a .com, not .gov or org or anyhting.
(7:06:25 PM) Sigma386: What is the website?
(7:06:30 PM) spitinacopsface: I bet they're pretending to be the government.
(7:06:38 PM) spitinacopsface:
(7:06:46 PM) Sigma386: Yeah, be careful like that, government sites always, ALWAYS end in .gov.
(7:06:57 PM) spitinacopsface: Yeah, I wasnt looking at the URL until now.
(7:06:59 PM) Sigma386: .com indicates a commercial site.
So let this be a warning to all the people who are looking for financial assistance, be sure to stay away from this site, they are a SCAM! They will steal your money, like they did to my friend here. They will pretend to be a branch of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, when all they really want is to sell you a phone.
(6:59:11 PM) spitinacopsface: AAAAAAHHH!
(6:59:14 PM) spitinacopsface: I fucking
(6:59:18 PM) spitinacopsface: went to a government website
(6:59:29 PM) spitinacopsface: for assistance paying bills for the poor
(6:59:32 PM) spitinacopsface: and I clicked on a link
(6:59:56 PM) spitinacopsface: and it told me that I can get a gift card for $250 worth of food if I fill out this survey
(6:59:58 PM) spitinacopsface: so I did
(7:00:01 PM) spitinacopsface: and I am an idiot
(7:00:11 PM) spitinacopsface: so I told it my credit card number for my paypal debit card
(7:00:20 PM) Sigma386: Oh God...
(7:00:22 PM) spitinacopsface: and apparently now I spent $96 on a MagicJak.
(7:00:24 PM) spitinacopsface: Yeah.
(7:00:29 PM) spitinacopsface: From a fucking government website
(7:00:36 PM) Sigma386: Wow....
(7:00:37 PM) spitinacopsface: to MagicJak
(7:00:43 PM) spitinacopsface: makes no sense
(7:00:44 PM) spitinacopsface: but
(7:00:45 PM) spitinacopsface: I think
(7:00:53 PM) spitinacopsface: I am never typing my debit card number to anyone again
(7:01:18 PM) spitinacopsface: How do you go from government assistance to a fucking company's product purchase order in one click?
(7:01:33 PM) Sigma386: Good question.
(7:01:54 PM) Sigma386: I mean why would the government need sponsors?
(7:02:06 PM) spitinacopsface: Well I haven't paid my electricity bill in months.
(7:02:16 PM) spitinacopsface: And April is the month when they can turn off the power on you.
(7:02:24 PM) spitinacopsface: So I've got to get this paid somehow.
(7:02:30 PM) spitinacopsface: I thought this government grant would do it.
(7:02:33 PM) spitinacopsface: But what the fuck.
(7:02:39 PM) spitinacopsface: It is sponsored by taxes.
(7:02:44 PM) spitinacopsface: It says right here on the government site.
(7:02:48 PM) Sigma386: Yeah...
(7:02:57 PM) spitinacopsface: That tax dollars pay for a grant that they use to give money to people like me.
(7:02:59 PM) Sigma386: So why the hell do they need to advertise 3rd party services?
(7:03:13 PM) spitinacopsface: And then they said that there are also grants available for other things, like groceries.
(7:03:19 PM) spitinacopsface: So I was like "cool, I need groceries."
(7:03:32 PM) spitinacopsface: And I clicked on that, an then they were asking my name and shit.
(7:03:51 PM) spitinacopsface: An they want to make sure I am the head of the household so I had to electronically sign that I am over 18 and a bunch of shit
(7:04:01 PM) spitinacopsface: an then they asked me a million more questions
(7:04:15 PM) spitinacopsface: and one was my bank account that I use to pay bills
(7:04:27 PM) spitinacopsface: and I told them paypal instead
(7:04:36 PM) spitinacopsface: and then I hit "submit,"
(7:04:47 PM) spitinacopsface: and then it says "thank you for buying MagicJak."
(7:04:56 PM) spitinacopsface: And now $96 is gone from my PayPal account.
(7:04:56 PM) Sigma386: What the Hell is MagicJak?
(7:05:01 PM) spitinacopsface: a phone
(7:05:11 PM) Sigma386: A fucking phone!?
(7:05:26 PM) Sigma386: And it was from a link for groceries?
(7:05:57 PM) Sigma386: Oh my God.
(7:06:03 PM) spitinacopsface: I am back at the main site, and it talks only of government stuff, not MagicJak. No corporations or anything.
(7:06:09 PM) spitinacopsface: Fucking liars ...
(7:06:14 PM) spitinacopsface: Maybe it is a fake government site.
(7:06:24 PM) spitinacopsface: It is a .com, not .gov or org or anyhting.
(7:06:25 PM) Sigma386: What is the website?
(7:06:30 PM) spitinacopsface: I bet they're pretending to be the government.
(7:06:38 PM) spitinacopsface:
(7:06:46 PM) Sigma386: Yeah, be careful like that, government sites always, ALWAYS end in .gov.
(7:06:57 PM) spitinacopsface: Yeah, I wasnt looking at the URL until now.
(7:06:59 PM) Sigma386: .com indicates a commercial site.
So let this be a warning to all the people who are looking for financial assistance, be sure to stay away from this site, they are a SCAM! They will steal your money, like they did to my friend here. They will pretend to be a branch of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, when all they really want is to sell you a phone.
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